Friday, December 31, 2010

my Grandma and Grandpa

grandma, originally uploaded by Richard Grabbe.

This picture was taken in the mid 50's of my Grandma and Grandpa Mensinger. Richard wasnt my biological grandpa but he was my grandpa none the less. My Grandpa grew up in Nazi Germany. Him and his whole family was stuck there whilst on vacation from the states. He served as one of Hitlers youth. Later in life he found out that he to was part jewish. He told many tales of hardship growing up amidst all of the war and death. He later made his way back to america to join the US Navy and fought in the Korean war. Upon returning home he met and married my Grandma Shirley. She was already raising my Mom and two other kids upon meeting him.I don't understand how a am a desendant of such a beautiful lady.

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